All courses include AED Training - a legal requirement from October 2016.
In addition, "The Management of Catastrophic Bleeding" using Haemostatics and (where hazard / workplace related) Tourniquets are also included.
These 'Outdoor Activity' courses have a content appropriate to all persons working in the outdoors

First Aid for Mountaineers & Instructors £160
A two day 'Level 1' course, covering the essential skills required by a Individuals, Group Leaders or Outdoor Activity Instructors. Also suitable for expedition party members.
Meets MLT, IML, BCU, BASI, D of E, BMC, Mountain Biking and other National Governing Body Award requirements.
Including the HSE Emergency First Aid at Work certificate syllabus.
Training & Qualifications appropriate for serving H.M. Forces Adventurous Training Instructors and those utilising the Military Resettlement Packages

- Advanced Immediate Care
- £160
A two day 'level 2' course. This course — suitable for a wide range of Outdoor Activities — is designed to build upon the 'level 1'.
The syllabus is up-graded to include elements appropriate to small expeditions, rescue team members, Guides and suitably experienced persons. This course is therefore not appropriate for novices.
Elements covered include module 1 of advanced airway management, and splinting / evacuation skills. The actual syllabus is framed to the consensus requirements of the delegates attending a particular course.
Including the HSE Emergency First Aid at Work certificate syllabus.
- Expedition Medical Care
- £160
The highest 'level 3' module. Content and program reflects the requirements of expeditions operating in truly remote locations, where a patient may have to be cared for during an extended period, or evacuated by colleagues. It is therefore not appropriate for novices. Acceptance on this course is based upon current responsibilities & experience, and previous / current qualifications.
Including the HSE Emergency First Aid at Work certificate syllabus.
- HSE "First Aid at Work" Courses
Primarily designed to meet the requirements of commercial and Industrial applications. The exact level required is based upon the findings of the business Risk Assessment.
These are: |
1 Day — "Emergency First Aid at Work" |
3 Day "First Aid at Work" |
2 Day "First Aid at Work Requalification" |
1/2 Day "Annual Refresher" |
